theScore - now available on Amazon Alexa in Canada!

by theScore Staff

Amazon’s Alexa voice service and Echo smart speaker is coming to Canada - and you’ll be able to get your fix of sports news right in your own home thanks to theScore!

theScore’s capabilities for Amazon Alexa - known as ‘skills’ - will include on-demand daily updates for both traditional sports news and esports. Fans with an Alexa device can simply select theScore as their flash briefing and ask “Alexa - what’s in the news?” and theScore will deliver a comprehensive audio sports briefing.

The Echo is available to order now, and will begin shipping to homes in early December. Once you have your device, you’ll be able to enable theScore’s Alexa skills this way:

  • Open the Amazon Alexa app, go to the menu, and select Skills.
  • Use Search to find ‘theScore’ and ‘theScore esports.’
  • Once you find ‘theScore’ and ‘theScore esports’ select them to open the skill detail page. Then select ‘Enable Skill’ option.
  • Once enabled, your can prioritize them by going to Settings, Flash Briefing, and using the ‘Edit Order’ option to move theScore’s flash briefings to the top.

You then just have to ask Alexa for the news to get our latest updates! We’re launching with two daily flash briefings for sports and one daily flash briefing for esports, but there’ll be more to come!
