BC Prienai: 'Big Baller Brand tried to destroy the club'

Alius Koroliovas / Getty Images Sport / Getty

It's safe to say Lithuanian basketball club BC Prienai, formerly known as BC Vytautas, is happy to have the Ball family off its hands.

The team put LaVar Ball and his sons, LiAngelo and LaMelo, on blast Thursday in a press release titled, "BC Prienai-Skycop: Big Baller Brand tried to destroy the club." Prienai describes its time with the Ball brothers as a "rollercoaster ride" and expresses regret about letting LaVar think he was in charge.

Here's an excerpt, courtesy of Stadium's Jeff Goodman:

As head coach Virginijus Seskus explained in his interview, the club and its goals was merely a joke to the BBB, who were there only to breathe life into their dying TV show.

"The first and most crucial mistake we made was allowing them, especially LaVar, think that they are in charge of the club - its decisions, its plans and even the game. His boys were nowhere near the level of the LKL, let alone NBA, which league obviously understands, seeing the draft outcome. And the most disappointing fact was that they had no inner drive to become better. And when they saw it was going nowhere, they started destroying the club, not paying out prize money to the Big Baller Brand tournament winners, etc.," explains Seskus.

... After leaving the club without any prior notice and by taking back their financial support including shooting machines that were presented as gifts to the club, BBB has left Prienai without sponsorship and base for future planning. "It was a short-term move, and it did the job - the club survived and that is the most important fact. This season we are also making bold moves, but now we look to the big picture and future. We will give priority to professionals with great discipline and personalities," says Seskus.

LiAngelo and LaMelo left Prienai in April with two games remaining in the team's season. LaVar later said he and Seskus "just didn't get along" and that the coach "ruined everything."
