Giants' Steve Weatherford glad Tim Tebow's not his quarterback

Noah K. Murray / USA TODAY Sports

New York Giants punter Steve Weatherford is a big fan of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Tim Tebow - off the field, that is.

"I'm the biggest Tim Tebow fan in the world," Weatherford said in an interview on WFAN on Friday. "I mean, who wouldn't want their daughter to date a guy like that?"

If Weatherford stopped himself there, you wouldn't be reading this right now because it would be a non-story.

But Weatherford didn't stop there.

"I'll tell you what," he added. "I don't want him taking snaps for my team."

As far as offseason trash talk goes, this is pretty tame. It's not like Weatherford is the first person to criticize Tebow's quarterbacking abilities, nor does the opinion of a punter ever carry much weight in a locker room.

That said, it's probably not advisable for Weatherford to give his divisional rivals any bulletin board material.

Weatherford went on to share some other opinions he has about the Eagles, including saying he prefers the reliable but unspectacular Mark Sanchez to the flashier but more volatile option of Sam Bradford. Weatherford also scoffed at the idea the Eagles could extend the oft-injured Bradford's contract.

"Good luck with that. ... Chip Kelly will get himself in serious trouble if they get an extension for that guy and he gets hurt? He's done."

The Eagles host the Giants in prime time in Week 6 and then travel to play them in Week 17. Punters rarely get hit in games, but perhaps one or two Eagles will make a point of holding Weatherford accountable for running his mouth (if Tim Tebow's even on the roster at that point).

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