Report: Tunsil considering charges after hacks; stepfather ruled out

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An attorney for Laremy Tunsil said the Miami Dolphins offensive tackle will consider pressing charges against the person(s) who hacked into his Twitter and Instagram accounts Thursday evening, Bart Hubbuch of the New York Post reports.

"Depending on who it is," the attorney added.

Tunsil reportedly has "some promising leads" on the identity and has ruled out his stepfather - who is suing Tunsil - and any former girlfriends.

Once considered a lock to be a top-five pick, Tunsil fell all the way to 13th after a video of him smoking a bong appeared on his Twitter feed moments before the draft began.

The video sent some NFL teams into a panic, with at least one reportedly removing Tunsil from its draft board entirely.

After the Dolphins ended Tunsil's fall at No. 13, someone gained access to his Instagram account and posted screenshots of a text conversation in which Tunsil appeared to ask his college coaches for money.

Tunsil first denied he asked for money, then later seemed to admit the transgression.

The individual(s) who gained access to Tunsil's social media accounts could face up to 10 years behind bars if convicted under the Stored Communications Act, as notes by Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio, a former lawyer.
