Cory Booker dreams of welcoming 'New Jersey Giants' to White House


New Jersey senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker has a name change in mind for the New York Giants if he wins the election.

In the debut episode of the podcast "Fired Up" with former White House aide Brad Jenkins, Booker spoke about an idea he's had that involves the Giants winning the Super Bowl.

"Can I tell you a dream?" Booker said (starts around the 32-minute mark). "And I'm running for president for every reason but this. But should I become President of the United States, and the stars of the universe line up, and my team is the Super Bowl champions that year. I'm telling you, when they're in the White House, I will turn to the world and say - it won't be a slip of the tongue - I will say, 'I am proud to be here with the New Jersey Giants.' And at that point, I figure I will have swagger, Secret Service, the nuclear codes. Are they really going to step to me and correct me?"

The Giants' stadium, which they share with the New York Jets, is located in East Rutherford, N.J., along with their practice facility.

Booker mentioned that he's had a conversation with the Giants' owners about replacing New York with New Jersey, but that he hasn't been able to persuade them.
