Phelps still approached by people angry about shark race

Michael Dalder / REUTERS

Some people are apparently having a hard time getting over the fact that Michael Phelps didn't race a real great white shark in his Discovery Channel special.

In an interview with For The Win's Alysha Tsuji, Phelps said people are still approaching him to complain about the race.

Related - Phelps vs. Shark: The race, the results, the tweets

"I'll run into people daily or weekly like, 'Oh yeah, you didn't even race the shark,' and I'm like, 'OK dude,' if you really have common sense, you'd understand I'm not going to get into the water and swim next to a great white shark," he said. "It's just natural common sense. That should never happen and no one should ever do that."

Phelps was met with similar criticism during a Facebook Live session in July, and explained that it was made clear ahead of time what the race would entail.
