Waitress wouldn't serve Steph Curry alcohol because he forgot ID

Steve Dykes / USA TODAY Sports

Apparently not everyone in the Bay Area is aware of who Steph Curry is. 

The Golden State Warriors star told Dime Magazine that he ordered a beer while out to dinner with his wife, but their waitress refused to serve alcohol to the baby-faced 26-year-old who didn't have ID with him. 

It happened at California Pizza Kitchen in the Bay Area like 15 minutes from my house. We went, I tried to get a drink after the season, that’s exactly what happened.

Me and my wife went to dinner, and we didn’t have our daughter with us, and she was with the babysitter. So I ordered a beer, and I didn’t have my ID with me, ‘cause I left it in the car and I thought she’d recognize me.

So the waitress asks, and I was like, ‘Uh, is your manager here,’ and I took my chances with him knowing who I was, and … he knew.

But she basically, yeah, she wouldn’t give me the benefit of the doubt, knowing that I didn’t look like I was over 21 and not knowing who I was.
