'Aquaman' LeBron rescued lost snorkeler on 'Banana Boat' trip

USA Today Sports

Move over, Jason Momoa; LeBron James may already be the real-world Aquaman.

A recent profile of LeBron and wife Savannah deviated slightly from a focus on their philanthropic endeavors to include an interesting tidbit brought to light by Gabrielle Union about the group's now-infamous 2015 "Banana Boat" vacation.

Here's how Union recalled a time when LeBron really showcased his heroism off the court, as told by Vogue's Robert Sullivan:

As I prepare to say goodbye, I am reminded of a story Gabrielle Union told me about LeBron. Union and her husband, Dwyane Wade, with other friends and athletes, were out snorkeling in the Bahamas a few years back. Some, including Wade, were ocean-shy, city-born and not as strong at swimming as LeBron. ("LeBron, it turns out, is Aquaman!" Union says.)

Eventually, the group got out in the water, though at the end of the swim, when everyone was back in the boat, LeBron took a count and noticed a man missing, immediately diving back in. "He literally brings our friend back, like something out of an episode of 'Baywatch,'" Union says. "Because he’s that guy, and when you see that, you know he is not going to leave these at-risk kids behind or an NBA player snorkeling. He’s that guy who dives in."

So there you have it: LeBron is a leader on and off the court, by land and by sea. When it's finally time to hang up his sneakers for good, at least the Cavaliers superstar knows he can fall back on a second career as a lifeguard.
