Report: Thompson's shoe joke added levity to Durant meeting

Raj Mehta-USA TODAY Sports

Various nuggets from the free-agent meeting last summer between Kevin Durant and the Golden State Warriors have come out in the months since. Among them: the Warriors' VR goggles idea didn't make the splash they had hoped, and there was concern that Durant, a Nike endorser, couldn't mesh business-wise with Stephen Curry, the face of Under Armour.

However, according to a compilation of what transpired during Durant's free agency by ESPN, Klay Thompson was able to bring some levity to the situation when the question of apparel contracts was on the table.

From ESPN:

During the meeting, Curry argues to Durant that joining forces and winning big would be good for both shoe companies.

That's apparently when Thompson, who some in the meeting believed was on the verge of falling asleep, piped up and asked: "Is it good for Anta?"

Anta, of course, is the lesser-known Chinese shoe manufacturer that Thompson endorses.

According to the story, the room burst into laughter.
