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Brazilian taxi driver returns 40 World Cup tickets lost by Mexican scalpers

Ricardo Moraes / Reuters

Two purported ticket scalpers from Mexico benefited from the honesty of a taxi driver in Sao Paulo after drunkenly leaving the tickets they planned to sell in his car.

Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reports that taxi driver Adilson Luiz da Cruz, 42, who for years has dreamed of attending a major soccer game, returned 40 tickets (worth thousands of dollars) he found forgotten in his back seat to its rightful owners. 

Discovering the tickets only after returning home from work to clean up the mess one of the Mexican visitors left in his cab, da Cruz reportedly sought advice from his family about what to do with the tickets. 

"My father always told me that if you find something, it has an owner," da Silva said.

So, da Silva drove back to the hotel where he had dropped off the Mexican visitors, found the men and returned their tickets. 

He didn't come away empty-handed, however. 

"As a reward, I asked them to cheer for Brazil."

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