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Batkid saves San Francisco Giants mascot Lou Seal

Miles is a five-year-old kid from San Francisco. He's been battling leukemia since he was two, and is -- and will hopefully remain -- in remission. 

It's been a tough life for little Miles so far, and he's often found comfort in Batman. He loves Batman. So Miles' parents did what any parents would do for their son: they emailed Make-A-Wish Bay Area asking if the foundation could help make Miles become Batkid, and have him save San Francisco. 

The foundation, the entire city of San Francisco, and even the Giants obliged; everyone involved went above-and-beyond the call. On Friday, San Francisco became Gotham City, Miles became Batkid, and he saved the Giants' mascot Lou Seal at AT&T Park, as onlookers watched and chanted "Batkid! Batkid!" 

Just another day in the life of Batkid, for whom the praise keep rolling in:

After his stop at AT&T Park, Miles went to San Francisco City Hall next, where he was celebrated by his people:

Read Megan Garber in The Atlantic for more on how a city came together to make a five-year-old's ultimate wish come true

And, finally, thank you, San Francisco. 

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