United States holds on to win 6th consecutive Presidents Cup

by The Associated Press

INCHEON, South Korea- The United States held off an inspired rally Sunday to win the Presidents Cup for the sixth straight time, this one decided by the final match.

The Americans got the winning point from Bill Haas, the son of U.S. captain Bill Haas, who won 2-up over an emotionally distraught Bae Sang-moon. Bae needed to win the final hole for the International team to share the cup, but he stubbed a chip.

The Americans won 15 1/2-14 1/2, the closest competition in 10 years.

The tense final session was just what this competition needed, though it didn't feel that way to the International team. It looked like the International team had control until Chris Kirk holed a 15-foot putt on the 18th, and Anirban Lahiri lost the hole by missing a 4-foot putt.
