VIDEO: Man sets new world record for longest 'usable' golf club

Claro Cortes / Reuters

The golf world was turned upside down this week by an unassuming 49-year-old Danish man named Karsten Maas. 

Maas has set a new global standard with his 14-foot-5 driver that is now recognized by Guiness World Records as the longest "usable" club on the planet. 

It may not be a beacon of practicality - good luck fitting that thing into a tee box - but Maas believes the club justifies its own existence simply by being functional. And, of course, its comedic value. 

"When other golfers see it, they are looking a lot, and thinking if that at all is possible to hit with a club like this," Maas said. "But it is, and it's funny, and so it has to be." 

"I'm very proud of being in the Guinness World Records," Maas concludes. "When I was a kid I was looking in the book, like probably many others, and was thinking 'oh, could I just be in that book.' And now, today, being in it ... that's made me a little proud, and hopefully it will make my children proud of me." 

[H/T Eye on Golf]
