Vandals with shovels destroy golf course


Groundsmen at the Rochford Hundred Golf Club in England were greeted by an unpleasant surprise Monday when they discovered vandals had dug up the fifth and 16th holes with shovels.

Roger Fearn, director of operations at Rochford Hundred, told the Basildon Canvey Southend Echo's John Lucas that the damages could "cost hundreds of pounds to put right."

A tournament's scheduled to be played Sunday at the club, and at least one member suspects someone was out to sabotage the event.

"We could weep, it's horrific. They have gone there with a shovel and a wheelbarrow, so it's targeted, it isn't just pure vandalism," 71-year-old Ivor Finer said. "This has been done for a reason."

- With h/t to For The Win
