Don Cherry criticizes Canadian entertainment media for fawning over movie stars at TIFF

by Thomas Drance

Iconic Hockey Night in Canada broadcaster and Former NHL coach Don Cherry is a frequent picker of bones, and he has a strong opinion on the questions the Canadian media is asking of movie stars at the Toronto International Film Festival this week.

"I feel embarrassed as a Canadian," Cherry began in what was likely a phone call to Kathy Broderick, who faithfully transcribes Cherry's thoughts on ephemera for the benefit of Twitterers everywhere. "When I see our star struck reporters ask the movie stars who are attending the film festival, 'What do you think of Canada and Toronto?'

"I mean really, what are they supposed to say? When the likes of Adam Sandler and Robert Downey Jr. say 'we like Canada' we get all giddy and giggly and exclaim 'oh they like us, oh how happy we are.'

"What rubes those stars must think we are," Cherry concluded. "It's embarrassing."

Yeah, Canadian media, stop doing the Sally Field thing. It's exactly like embarrassing goalies by over-celebrating a trick shot goal in a blowout! Act like you've been there before and smarten up!
