PHOTOS: The strange NFL posters of the '80s and early '90s


Hey, remember the 1980s and '90s? Of course you don't!

Well, it was a wonderful time fella, a simpler time. A simpler and wonderful(er) time. Telephones were tethered to the wall, the Reagan and Bush administrations were creating laws to protect the super rich and their hi-fi cassette players. Memes didn't exist! To think, ice buckets were hanging around unchallenged -- utilitarian precursors to the fridges of YOUR future.

More than all of that nonsense, NFL players were posing for posters to be hung on the walls of children and emotionally unstable grown men.

Thanks to imgur user glatts, who compiled a list of NFL posters from the '80s and '90s, we can bring you the weirdest and best of the bunch.

NFL players with firearms, now here's a role model you can set your watch to (watches had just been invented)

Creepy magicians were considered near gods in the '80s

More firearms. USA! USA! USA!

Concussing and then kidnapping a quarterback while wearing thigh-high shorts was just part of the game back then

This is...this is...just...I mean...

Adequate puns would not be invented until the early 2000s

If you do enough narcotics, your fingers will become actual lasers to kill guys with

"So everyone else is killing guys with uzis and stuff and I'm standing here in front of this full-ass moon? I hate Bruce Willis though. Fine, I'd like to be payed in Zubaz shorts"

There's many more shown here. Enjoy.

- With h/t to Reddit
