Report: NFL Players had access to Ray Rice video after incident

Robert Mayer-USA TODAY Sports

Appearing on ESPN's Mike and Mike on Monday morning, Adam Schefter had some additional pieces of information to share regarding the NFL's investigations of now former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, via Deadspin.

Schefter stated that just weeks after the incident, NFL players in Las Vegas were in possession of and offering up the video tape the public wouldn't see until much later on.

There were players who were in Las Vegas a week or two after this incident and I know one player who said 'Hey you want to see the video tape of what happened?' So there were players who could see the videotape, and yet the Ravens, many of the Ravens, claim they couldn't see it. And the people in the NFL say they never saw it.

Schefter went on to confirm the footage the players had at that time was indeed the second videotape of the incident, from inside the elevator, which hadn't been released to the public until recently.

[h/t Deadspin]
