O.J. Simpson joins Twitter, says he has 'a little gettin' even to do'

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O.J. Simpson caused a stir over the weekend after launching his official Twitter account with a video saying he has a "little gettin' even to do.''

During a phone interview with The Associated Press, Simpson declined to elaborate on the statement, according to ESPN.

In a second video posted on Saturday, the former NFL running back thanked his followers while also expressing his excitement to interact on the social media platform.

"For years, people have been able to say whatever they want to say about me with no accountability," he said. "But now I get to challenge a lot of that B.S. and set the record straight.

"More importantly, I'll be able to talk about everything, especially sports, fantasy football, and even politics."

Through mid-day Sunday, Simpson has surpassed 500,000 Twitter followers.
