Ingram visits 15-year-old Jarrius after Saints superfan's surgery

Mark Ingram/Twitter

New Orleans Saints superfan Jarrius Robertson started with a one-day contract last October, but he's essentially part of the team by now.

The 15-year-old recently underwent a liver transplant that caused him to miss making a Day Two draft pick for the Saints in late April. Jarrius has a chronic liver condition called biliary atresia that has stunted his growth and caused several health problems, though he's become known for his constant energy and upbeat attitude.

On Saturday, Jarrius got a special visit from one of his "teammates" as Saints running back Mark Ingram stopped by to play some video games.

However, there was a little disagreement as to how the games played out.

Houston Texans cornerback Kareem Jackson, who was a college teammate of Ingram, also had issue with the running back's gaming, though the veteran runner knew better than to let Jarrius take a win off him
