Ex-Patriot Meriweather was tricked into sticking Belichick with his bar tab

David Butler II-US PRESSWIRE / Reuters

Former New England Patriots offensive lineman Matt Light shared a hilariously awkward story Wednesday about the time he convinced Brandon Meriweather that Bill Belichick would pick up his bar tab.

Light told "The Toucher and Rich Show" that the incident occurred while he and Meriweather were drinking at a hotel with a few other players during the 2009 Pro Bowl. This was the first Pro Bowl appearance for Meriweather, so Light decided to take advantage of that by telling him it's customary for coaches to pay for their own players.

"(Meriweather)'s kind of the young guy, kind of the odd man out, and he's not saying much," Light recalled, according to CSNNE.com. "He's just laughing, joining in the festivities, and I walked over to him and - I (had seen) him order a drink from the waitress - I said, 'Hey man, you do know that you can put all this on Bill's room, right?' Now you've got to remember, Belichick and the entire staff were coaching the AFC.

"Now I go up there saying that just busting his chops. I didn't really know what was going to happen, but I figured I'd plant that seed. He looks at me and he says, 'Are you serious?' And I'm like, 'Yeah, man. You don't ever pay for your drinks when your coach is here coaching.' I'm like, 'Come on. Come on, rook.' So I walk away; I'm not thinking anything of it."

Light later witnessed Meriweather thanking Belichick and his girlfriend, Linda Holliday, for the gesture.

"Fast forward like four or five hours. I literally witnessed him walk up to Bill with his check, like the little card that has your bill in it, and hand it to coach Belichick and say, 'Hey, thank you coach. I appreciate you,' in a way only that he could do it. Like, you could imagine what that conversation looked like.

"And I'll never forget - Bill's looking at him like, 'What are you talking about?' But Linda's like, 'Go ahead, take care of the tab. Help him out, right?' It was the most uncomfortable, awkward moment I've ever witnessed with coach."

