Giacomini shares touching story about Lynch helping kid in Istanbul

Whistle Sports/YouTube

Former Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch has been very active with American Football Without Barriers, traveling to Egypt in March and Istanbul last year to teach kids about the mechanics of football.

It was during the Istanbul trip that Lynch shared a special moment with a boy, which New York Jets offensive tackle Breno Giacomini - one of the founders of American Football Without Barriers - detailed in a "Draw My Life" video about his career (starts at the 4:15 mark).

The boy was having some trouble making catches, so Lynch pulled him aside for a pep talk. When they returned an hour and a half later, the boy was "on fire," according to Giacomini. His mother later contacted American Football Without Barriers to thank Lynch for turning her son's life around.

- With h/t to Reddit user kebaumer
