Trump says Kaepernick 'should find a country that works better for him'

David Moir / Reuters

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered his two cents (an unknown percentage of his undisclosed net worth) on the Colin Kaepernick national anthem situation Monday.

"I have followed it and I think it's personally not a good thing," Trump told The Dori Monson Show, according to Nathan McDermott of Buzzfeed. "I think it's a terrible thing, and you know, maybe he should find a country that works better for him, let him try, it's not gonna happen."

Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the national anthem during San Francisco 49ers preseason games has sparked a public debate about the implications of his protest.

The conversation seems to be more focused on the meaning of the national anthem, rather than Kaepernick's reasons behind the boycott, which he says is racial discrimination within the country - particularly the violent tendencies of law enforcement against African Americans.

During his comments about his actions on Sunday, Kaepernick mentioned his disappointment with both candidates for president, calling Trump "openly racist."

"I think the two presidential candidates that we currently have also represent the issues that we have in this country right now," Kaepernick said. "You have Hillary (Clinton) who's called black teens or black kids super predators. You have Donald Trump who is openly racist. We have a presidential candidate who deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn't make sense to me. Because if that was any other person, you'€™d be in prison. So what is this country really standing for?"
