J.J. Watt shows up unexpectedly for pickup basketball games


A group of teens got quite the surprise when Houston Texans star J.J. Watt showed up to their pickup basketball game.

Watt sent out a tweet Saturday afternoon asking if anyone was shooting hoops in Houston, which garnered a number of responses from people across the city. He made surprise appearances to at least two courts, including Root Memorial Square, where 17-year-old Damon Cormier Jr. was playing.

"He just walked up with a ball like anyone else," Cormier told Matt Young of the Houston Chronicle. "We were all like, 'Is that really J.J. Watt?' Then, we just started playing."

Cormier shared a video of the chance encounter on Twitter:

"There was a little bit of trash talking, but not too much, because he's J.J. Watt," Cormier said. "Some people were scared to guard him though, because he's so big."

Watt then made his way to Houston Fire Station No. 9.

"One of our guy's girlfriends saw J.J.'s tweet about playing ball and responded to him, telling him that the boys at the 9 are always playing basketball," firefighter Paul Portis said. "He just pulled up and had a basketball with him, and said, 'You guys ready for some hoops?' I think everyone's jaw just dropped."
