Boston brewery bans Goodell from accessing website

Downeast Cider House

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell isn't a popular man in Massachusetts these days, for obvious reasons.

Downeast Cider House, a brewery based in Boston, makes that especially clear on their website landing page. After visitors confirm they're 21 years old, they're greeted by this message:

If you click no, you're taken to the website. But if you click yes, you end up at the Wikipedia page for the ideal gas law, which some scientists believe could explain the "Deflategate" scandal.

Ross Brockman, one of the founders of Downeast Cider House, had this to say to Charlotte Wilder of For The Win about why they did this.

"Matt (Brockman) was seriously stewing about (Deflategate) the day they reversed the decision and gave (Tom) Brady the suspension again," he said. "I think Matt was genuinely upset. And then, I don't now where it came from, but he was like, 'Hey we should put this up there,' and then I did."
