Toddler shreds money his parents saved for Utah season tickets


Utah football fans Ben and Jackee Belnap are out over $1,000 after their two-year-old son, Leo, shredded cash they had set aside to pay for season tickets.

Ben tweeted a photo of the aftermath earlier this week.

Jackee said in a written statement to USA TODAY that the couple had been saving up for the tickets for nearly a year. They kept the money "locked in a file cabinet until it was time to pay (Ben's) parents. We then put it in an envelope," she wrote.

But last weekend, the envelope went missing.

"I'm digging through the trash and (Jackee) hollers and says, 'I found it,'" Ben told Sean Moody of KSL-TV. "She's holding the shredder and she says, 'I think the money is in here.'"

Fortunately, it looks like there will be a happy ending to the story. Ben said a government office that deals with mutilated cash told him to mail the money to them and the couple will be reimbursed in one-to-two years.

Utah has also invited the family to join the team on the sideline for its Oct. 12 game against Arizona.
