Jim Harbaugh hangs out with Tom Selleck on 'Blue Bloods' set


Don't try to tell Jim Harbaugh that "Blue Bloods" isn't the best show on television - he won't have any of it.

Harbaugh spent Thursday on the set of the CBS drama alongside family, meeting a slew of cast members, including the one and only Tom Selleck.

Could a cameo for the Michigan head coach be in the works? Probably not, but if the stars aligned, here are a couple of ideas for "Blue Bloods" creators Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess.

Hard-nosed district attorney

Harbaugh has thrived in a position of authority for years on the football field, so having a role associated with some sort of power wouldn't be much of a stretch.

Good cop, Harbaugh cop

Police interrogations have a tendency to drone on in crime dramas, but not if one of the officers has "Enthusiasm Unknown to Mankind." An animated Harbaugh could play either side of the serious/humor card.

Crime boss

Now, this is no judgment of character, but every actor has to have diversity, right? Harbaugh's work ethic demands respect, and he has lots of experience running programs.
