Baylor facing fourth Title IX lawsuit

Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports

Baylor is facing another Title IX lawsuit, its fourth since the Pepper Hamilton report was presented in May, according to Paula Lavigne of ESPN.

Dolores Lorano, an ex-student, is accusing former running back Devin Chafin of assaulting her physically on three separate occasions.

Lorano claims Chafin grabbed her by the arm and slammed it against a car in early March 2014. The second incident occurred in April 2014 and involved Chafin grabbing her by the throat, slamming her against a wall, then throwing her to the floor and kicking her. A few weeks later, the ex-Bear grabbed Lorano and slammed her to the ground.

The report states Lorano notified authorities and several people at the school, but the accusations were ignored and no investigation ever took place.

Chafin now plays at Missouri Southern State, while Lorano is currently the communications coordinator for the Houston Super Bowl Host Committee.

The university's Title IX's coordinator, Patty Crawford, resigned last week, accusing the school of not allowing her to fulfill her responsibilities and standing in the way of investigations.

Baylor did not comment on the lawsuit.
