PHOTO: J.R. Smith is ready for Movember

Justin Ford-USA TODAY Sports

J.R. Smith wants you to know that he's ready to embrace Movember, despite being a few days early.

The Cleveland Cavaliers guard posted a photo of his new look on his Instagram account Friday, ditching his goatee for a mustache.

#movember #YouInOrYouOut

A photo posted by JR Smith (@teamswish) on

Men across the globe rock mustaches for the month of November to help raise awareness for male-related health issues, including prostate and testicular cancer.

Most men tend to go clean-shaven to begin the month, taking photos of how their mustache progresses over the 30-day span. Smith already had a pretty sweet 'stache, so rather than start over, it looks like the 30-year-old veteran is going to stick with what he has.
