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Curry returns to Charlotte, takes NBA trophy to Davidson

REUTERS/Mike Casses

DAVIDSON, N.C. (AP) Stephen Curry made a surprise visit to his alma mater, bringing the Larry O'Brien NBA championship trophy along with him to show off to the Davidson College community.

The league's MVP worked out with Davidson players, participated in a question-and-answer period with college students and even banked in a 25-foot jumper Thursday in the first shot ever attempted at the school's new practice facility.

Curry told The Associated Press, ''This is where the whole story started and I know how much the Davidson alumni and community supports me, so this is very special.''

Curry, a big Carolina Panthers fan, said he plans to pound the ''Keep Pounding'' drum before the team's home opener Sunday against the Houston Texans. The Charlotte native also plans to visit to his former high school.

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