Corey Brewer fined $5,000 for egregious Game 2 flop

by Blake Murphy
Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports

When Corey Brewer hit the deck during the first quarter of Game 2 against the Los Angeles Clippers on Wednesday, one of two things was clear: Lester Hudson was a Super Saiyan, or Brewer was getting a call from the league office.

The Houston Rockets wing egregiously oversold a light push-off from Hudson, fooling the officials and drawing an offensive foul in the process.

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The NBA responded Thursday by fining Brewer $5,000 for the flop.

That's probably appropriate given the level of theatrics Brewer put in to drawing the call. Hudson is much shorter and while he's a little thicker than the wiry Brewer, he's not superhuman, as the highlight would make it appear.

This isn't Brewer's first run-in with those in charge of cracking down on flopping. He was fined $5,000 in December of 2013 for his second violation of 2012-13 and was warned once again in January with the clean slate a new season brings. If he's deemed in violation of the rules again this season, he'll be hit with a $10,000 fine, with the dollar amount escalating from there.
