Kings rookie Stauskas becomes 'Sauce Castillo'

Jennifer Stewart / USA TODAY Sports

Sometimes a great NBA nickname comes naturally with one's appearance, as The Beard and The Brow can attest.

Other times, a star's style of play leaves no other choice, as The Big Fundamental aptly suits Tim Duncan's textbook basketball dominance.

There's also the self-given swagger of a Black Mamba.

And then there's whatever a random closed-caption translation spits out during a broadcast, as Nik Stauskas now knows all too well.

Courtesy of Deadspin and Yahoo

Stauskas's teammates then joined in on the fun, and Basketball Reference even added the nickname to the rookie's official player page.

From there, it was only a matter of time before the Internet ran with the new pseudonym, and nothing was the same, as a notable rapper from Stauskas's neck of the woods might say.
