When asked to choose between LeBron and Kobe, Shaq picks Dr. J

by Kyle Smith

LeBron or Kobe?

It's a question raised by a generation of NBA fans when discussing (usually loudly on the Internet) two of the greatest basketball players of the past decade.

In an interview with Antenna Magazine, future Hall of Fame center Shaquille O'Neal was asked to choose between King James and the Black Mamba, and the Big Aristotle (wow, that's a lot of nicknames) was quick to...not actually answer the question.

They’re different. LeBron is more of an all-around player - Hey this guy’s open, let me kick it to him. Kobe is more of, Oh, we’re down six? I’m going to shoot it three times and get us six points. But they’re both great players. It’s a matter of opinion. To me, Dr. J was the greatest player ever. But I ask other people, they say Jordan, some say Kobe, some people say LeBron. It’s always going to be a matter of opinion.

It was a slick side-step by the fifteen-time All-Star. A safe answer that hurts no one while simultaneously honoring one of his heroes.

Well played, Shaq, well played.
