Gatorade takes a shot at a cramping LeBron on Twitter

Brendan Maloney-USA TODAY Sports

Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night is already being called (unfortunately) the "Cramp Game." 

LeBron James was forced from the game in the fourth quarter due to a - you guessed it - cramp, and his departure ensured the San Antonio Spurs took a 1-0 series lead over the Miami Heat, with a 110-95 win. 

Everyone, of course, weighed in on LeBron's cramp, and his inability to finish Game 1 in the sweltering heat of the air conditioning-less AT&T Center, and so did the folks at Gatorade, who know a thing or two about hydration:

LeBron's a Powerade man, in case you were wondering. 

Gatorade took a few more shots at King James after that tweet above, too, because what happened Thursday night is precisely why Twitter was created. Check out Gatorade's feed, if Twitter trolling is your bag. 
