Oklahoma paper says 'Mr. Unreliable' headline missed mark

by Andrew Zuber
Mark D. Smith / USA TODAY Sports

Here comes the backpedaling. 

The cover of the sports section of Oklahoma City newspaper The Oklahoman took a shot at prohibitive favorite for MVP Kevin Durant on Thursday morning, leading to a follow-up explanation from publication and a statement from Durant himself. 

Sports editor Mike Sherman posted a statement of NewsOK.com, claiming the headline had "missed the mark." 

The words were overstated and unduly harsh. The headline and presentation left the impression that we were commenting on Durant’s season, career or even character. We were not. We were referring only to the Memphis series.

The fact the headline and presentation left that impression with so many readers is proof that we failed.

For what it's worth, in typical fashion, Durant accepted the blame bestowed upon him. 

Russell Westbrook was slightly less ready to forgive and forget. 
