Joakim Noah gets into verbal confrontation with Wizards security guard

by William Lou
Rob Grabowski / USA Today

It appears Bulls center Joakim Noah's aggressive demeanor exists off the court as well as on it.

According to a report from Joe Cowley of the Chicago Sun Times, Noah wasconfrontational when he was told to vacate the Verizon Center following the Bulls' Friday morning shootaround.

Noah, who is routinely the last player to leave shootaround, was told by Wizards security guard Jackie Miles to leave so the Wizards could get their turn at the court. Miles reportedly angered Noah, who was in the midst of his routine and shot back "Get the [expletive] out of here, I’m not done … get the [expletive] out of here." 

Miles relayed similar sentiments to Noah, before repeating his request for Noah to clear the floor. The exchange carried on for another minute, until the Wizards' PR manager stepped in to relieve tensions.

A similar incident occurred in January when Miles rushed the Bulls' exit in the Verison Center. An anonymous member of the Bulls organization referred to Miles as a "clown."

Tensions are running high, especially with the Wizards up 2-0 in their series against favored Chicago.
