Report: NBA reminds teams of mask protocols, says suspensions possible

Joe Murphy / National Basketball Association / Getty

The NBA notified teams in a memo Sunday to re-emphasize the use of masks and face coverings by everyone inside the league's Florida bubble, sources told The New York Times' Marc Stein. Clubs were also told to utilize a portion of their next team meeting to reiterate the importance of wearing a mask.

Teams were reportedly reminded that penalties for non-compliance range from warnings and fines to suspensions, and potentially even removal from the campus, with repeat offenders subject to enhanced discipline.

Players are not mandated to wear masks on the bench during games but are expected to do so elsewhere inside the Walt Disney World Resort.

A handful of players have already found themselves in the center of mask controversies at Disney. Los Angeles Lakers center Dwight Howard recently said it was "pointless" to cover his face in the bubble after he was reported for not doing so.
