Westbrook donates laptops to Houston students

Brian Babineau / National Basketball Association / Getty

Houston Rockets guard Russell Westbrook is helping to ensure local students can continue their education at home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Westbrook and his Why Not? Foundation partnered with Houston non-profit Comp-U-Dopt to donate 650 laptops to students in an effort to close the digital divide, the city's mayor, Sylvester Turner, announced Monday.

"I'm very excited to be able to cooperate with Comp-U-Dopt and find ways to be able to impact the youth immediately," Westbrook said during a media briefing, according to Jonathan Feigen of the Houston Chronicle. "It's something I'm very, very passionate about doing with my foundation, just trying to find ways, especially now, to … give kids access to another way of learning through computers and allow them to continue their education. I'm excited about it. I'm happy to be part of it."

Schools in Texas have been closed since March 15 and have been conducting lessons through distance learning or digital platforms. The closures are in place until at least May 4.
