PHOTO: Billy Butler takes out full-page ad to thank Royals fans

by Greg Warren
Jesse Johnson / USA TODAY Sports

Billy Butler is now an Oakland Athletic after playing eight seasons in Kansas City. 

In a show of appreciation, he took out a full-page ad Thursday in the Kansas City Star to thank Royals fans for their support.

Butler, whose nickname is Country Breakfast, shared this heartfelt message:

When the journey began in 2004, I had no idea how lucky I was to be a part of the Kansas City Royals family. From the very beginning, the Kansas City community and the entire Royals organization treated me and my family with respect, love and class. Thank you to the Glass Family, the front office and the entire staff - without each of you I would not have had this fantastic experience and opportunity. Thank you to all my Royals coaches - without you I would not be the player I am today.

Thank you to all my Royals teammates - without you I would not be the person I am today. Most importantly, thank you to all the fans that provided unwavering support for 10 years. The great community of Kansas City also allowed us to be successful off the field through our Hit-it-a-Ton foundation. For all of these reasons and many more, we are very proud to say we were Kansas City Royals and there will always be a part of us that will #BEROYAL.
