PHOTO: Derek Jeter's face mowed into corn maze field

by Dan Toman
Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

Major-league pitchers have spent 20 years trying to get inside the head of Derek Jeter. Thanks to one New Jersey farm, they now have their chance.

[Courtesy: VonThun Farms via]

Jeter's final season has inspired plenty of creativity throughout the majors this year, but only now can he boast of having his likeness immortalized in grass.


The corn-maze design was originally going to be a tractor with pumpkins in it, but the company that helps the VonThun family with its corn maze had a better idea, and it's still great in September and October.

"We are right in the middle of Yankees territory," said Cindy VonThun of the VonThun Farms. "No matter which way you turn, everybody just loves Derek Jeter. He's just the all-around good guy."

VonThun's maze, located in South Brunswick, N.J., opens Sept. 20 and runs though the end of October.
