Astros' Bregman tips waitress $500 after her car was burglarized

Alex Bregman/YouTube

Houston Astros third baseman Alex Bregman recently launched his own YouTube channel offering fans a glimpse of his life off the field. In one of the first videos uploaded on the channel, Bregman and his friends perform a good deed for a waitress whose car was broken into earlier that day.

Jordan Thompson, the waitress featured in the video, told Erica Chayes Wida of TODAY Food that a sizable amount of money was stolen during the burglary.

"It meant a lot to me personally because of the timing and money getting stolen from me. I was super grateful and also relieved because now I can actually focus on school and have less stress on me having to work extra," Thompson said. "As soon as I saw the money, I just hugged them. I was super thankful."
