Rivaldo announces comeback, could suit up for Brazilian Serie B team

Andrew Budd Digital / Action Images

World Cup champion Rivaldo could be close to making a return to professional football just over a year after retiring.

The 43-year-old, who retired because of a knee injury, says his return to the pitch hinges on how his body responds to training when he works out alongside players from Mogi Mirim Esporte Clube in Brazil's Serie B.

Rivaldo, who's also the president of Mogi Mirim Esporte Clube, revealed the surprising news on his Instagram page:

Depois de muito pensar e analisar os prós e os contras, decidi que vou me integrar ao elenco de jogadores do Mogi Mirim EC que está disputando a Série B do Brasileiro. Não quero com isso dizer que vou jogar, mesmo porque estou parado há algum tempo e apenas administrando o clube. Faz 15 meses que parei de jogar profissionalmente e se meu joelho estiver bem, poderei até ajudar em alguns jogos, mas isto os treinamentos é que irão me ajudar a decidir.

After much thought and analysis of the pros and cons, I have decided to join the players of Mogi Mirim EC in Brazil's Serie B. This doesn't mean that I am going to play because I stopped for a time and because I have only been administrating at the club. It has been 15 months since I stopped playing professionally. My knee is better and I could even help for some matches, but the training will help me decide.
