Iker Casillas responds to fan who tells him to throw 6-month-old son in water to see if he floats

Henry Romero / Reuters

Ever wonder whether or not one of your favorite players takes the time to read the comments that are posted on his Instagram page?

Well, if you're a fan of Iker Casillas, it turns out that he does indeed read the comments. And if he's rubbed the wrong way, he won't hesitate to respond. At least, that's what happened when a fan commented on a picture Casillas' son, telling the Spanish keeper to "Throw him in the water and see if he floats, you mole!"

[Courtesy: Reddit user "TotallyNotAVirgin"]

Casillas' response can be translated to: "You have to be an incredible son of a bitch to leave a comment like that... I hope you take three minutes to think about what you've written... ASSHOLE!!!"
