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Sheffield United boss Wilder charged for sandwich rant

Lance McMillan / Toronto Star / Getty

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Sheffield United boss Chris Wilder has been handed a Football Association charge after a scathing attack on officials last month that included taking aim at a sandwich-eating assistant referee.

Wilder claimed one of referee Tony Harrington's assistants had shown a "complete lack of respect" by eating a sandwich after he confronted the officials following a 3-2 defeat at Crystal Palace.

"Every 50/50 or tight decision goes against us and if that's what we're going to have to deal with between now and the end of the season, we're going to deal with it," said Wilder at the time.

"But I'm not just going to go under the radar and not say anything. I've been to see the referee and I've told him that.

"One of his assistants was eating a sandwich at the time, which I thought was a complete lack of respect. Hopefully he enjoyed his sandwich while he was talking to a Premier League manager."

The FA has sanctioned the Blades boss with a charge of improper conduct.

"It's alleged that the manager's comments constitute improper conduct in that they imply bias and or/attack the integrity of the referee, or referees generally, and/or bring the game into disrepute," the FA said in a statement.

Sheffield United are bottom of the Premier League, seven points adrift of safety with 14 games left to play.

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