Toni Nadal continues to attack Gala Leon, Spain's new Davis Cup captain

Albert Gea / Reuters

Toni Nadal, Rafael Nadal's uncle and coach, continues to publicly decry the appointment of Gala Leon, a former women's tennis player, as the new captain of Spain's Davis Cup team. 

Since the appointment was made official on Sunday, Uncle Toni has maintained that Leon is unqualified for the position, based primarily on the presumption that, as a woman, she lacks a keen grasp of the fundamentals of men's tennis.

Rather than retreat from that position, in the face of some subsequent backlash, Nadal doubled down, confronting Leon in a radio segment (in which he was apparently brought on, via telephone, unbeknownst to Leon). 

The confrontation, as translated and transcribed on Twitter by translator and interpreter Isanie Pino, is comprised mostly of jabs from Nadal, who repeatedly grilled Leon about her credentials before dismissing her as an unworthy captain. 

"How many years of experience do you have as sporting director?" he started out asking, to which Leon responded, "Since July." 

"It seems odd to me," Nadal continued, "that you did not have the courtesy to call Rafael to let him know... It is odd that you haven't spoken to any of the players. Yet you claim to have knowledge on men's tennis... To be captain, you have to know men's tennis." 

"That's your opinion," a diplomatic Leon responded. "I respect it and I take no offence." To which Nadal says: "But I don't want to offend you!"

"I am just saying," he went on, "that other names should've been considered before yours because they know how men's tennis works."

"Okay," said Leon, who did not appoint herself for the position. 

"And, again," Nadal pressed, "it seems odd that you haven't had the courtesy to contact any of the players to introduce yourself."

"The Spanish Federation is not only comprised of four players," said Leon. "I've spoken with other authorities... First, I needed to meet with the previous captain. I also had other commitments with the Fed Cup... I'm new. I needed to gather as [much] information as possible before meeting with the players."

"You probably are very qualified in women's tennis," said Nadal. "I have never seen you at any of the men's tennis events, save perhaps for the which, as logic dictates, you were seeing to matters related to women's tennis."

Leon received little help from the radio host, who sided overwhelmingly with Nadal, and, per Pino's transcription, repeatedly cut Leon off. When Nadal mentioned that he wanted to avoid any potential controversy, the host jumped in and said: "You're being so direct and frank, Toni, I doubt there will be."

"Honestly, I think this is an ill-advised decision," the host said later. "Because if Rafa, Lopez, Granollers, Verdasco say they don't know you...Not that they don't know you personally, but as team captain? These are the guys that must take us back to the the top."

"I maintain that I respect your opinion and that of those who share it," said Leon. "But I am sure others welcome the change and that's great."

Replied the host: "We are still waiting to hear from those who welcome the decision, Gala, we have yet to see any. We haven't heard anyone say, 'Oh, what fantastic news the appointment of Gala.'"

"I don't think that's true," said Leon.

"All the players are against it," said Nadal. 

"That's not true," Leon insisted. "I have received congratulations from others, but I won't name names because I don't want to bring them into this."

"Well, Gala, I wish you all the best," the host concluded. "I think Toni has explained it very well and very respectfully."

For his part, Toni's nephew Rafa has said little on the subject. He seemed to agree with his uncle, to a point, saying he found Leon's appointment "odd," considering that there are "a lot of candidates in Spanish tennis with great credentials for the position," per Spanish news outlet

Rafa also reportedly noted that, while he hasn't become acquainted with León yet, he has "nothing against her," and that his opinion, in any case, doesn't count for any more than that of other players.

Whether or not Leon turns out to be the right person for the position, one at least hopes she'll be given a fair shake. 
